Sunday, July 25, 2021

More changes on the House

Celeborn was baling hay, I didn't get a good picture of it, but he is behind the goats. 

Frodo came over and framed in the mudroom. 

He also framed in the bathroom window. 

Celeborn's brother came over and helped change some of the windows in the house. 

Working on the kitchen windows. 

A big mess, but the windows in the kitchen are done. 

Working on the roof of the mudroom. 

More Windows getting done. 


  1. Once baby comes Sam and I will have to come up. Lots of changes happening. But looking good! You must be glad to have more windows done.😊

    1. That would be great! I sure am, right now we have five upstairs windows left to do along with the three on mudroom.

  2. Lots of changes since I was last there.


Happy Valentine's day