Monday, October 31, 2022


"I'm going up!"

"Down I go!" 

"Hi mommy!" 

"Going for a drive!" 


Harvest pictures


I forgot to post the harvest pictures! We got three baskets of wild grapes!

Goldilocks figured out how to go up and down the ladder! 

"I do it too!" 

Going for a ride on our pile of squash and watermelons. 

The pictures are all out of order. 

Goldilocks enjoyed eating the wild grapes!

Sunday, October 23, 2022


Goldilocks really loves climbing on things! 

Playing with her shape sorter! 

She found this pail and ran around the yard with it for a while. Then she actually put it back where she had gotten it from. 

"I like this ball!" 

Digging in the sandbox! 

"I have a beautiful bow in my hair!" 

"I look so pretty!" 

Our first snow fall of the season, it all melted before noon. Goldilocks seemed to think it was interesting. 

"Peek a Boo!" 

Looking for something to chase.

Playing in a pile of leaves! 

Happy Valentine's day