Monday, January 31, 2022

4 months old


Enjoying some apple/banana sauce.  

Goldilocks is four months old! She can sit by herself for a couple minutes now!

Enjoying her toys! 

"I can do it all by myself!" 

"Big Hugs!" 

I was working on making supper, so I put Goldilocks in a drawer. 

What a cutie pie! 

Her last time wearing her Lord of the Rings onesie and hat. 

She loves to walk holding onto someones fingers. She doesn't have any balance to stand by herself yet! 

Thursday, January 20, 2022



Goldilocks is really enjoying her toys! 

"I can do it all by myself!!" 

"I got a bucket!" 

Going sledding! 

Enjoying her dishes. 

She really likes to walk around holding onto someones fingers! 

Happy Valentine's day