Thursday, May 20, 2021

Celeborn's sister's wedding!

Celeborn's sister got married at this lovely little church! 

The groom waiting! 

The Marriage Vows! 

Presentation of Flowers to the Blessed Mother! 

Congratulations to the wonderful Couple! 


Work on the house

Getting ready to have our footings inspected for the porch! We have some nice big holes! 

The front of the house with the old siding removed and the even older stuff there, also all the dirt from digging the footings. 

One of the apple trees has a lot of blooms on it. 

One of our gardens!

The roof taken off the part above the basement steps. 

The lilac tree that was transplanted is doing great! 

More work on footings! 

The Chickens! 

Pippin removing the old siding! 

We found a bull snake.  


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Chickens and other happenings

Celeborn got some laying hens! 

My sister Poppy

My sister Marigold and my brothers dog. 

Celeborn trying out a new thing he got for his tractor. 

My brother Sam loading the snowplow to take to my parents house. 

Pippin and Sam putting together Celeborn's wheelbarrow.  

Pippin having a turn on the tracker. 

Penny sitting son nicely. 

Celeborn and his goats!

Happy Valentine's day