Friday, June 26, 2020

Wedding part 1

 We decided to all have matching nail polish for the wedding. 

 Eleanor took the following pictures. 

 The wedding party without the groom and best man. 

 The flowers smell so good! 

 Wait, are you taking a picture? 

 The tent all set up! 

 My mom getting her fingernails painted. 

 Marigold loves getting her picture taken! 

 Rosie passed out booklets for the Mass. 

Taking some pictures while waiting for the Mass to start. 

 I decided to ask all my brothers and some of my cousins to serve for the Mass.

My dad and I ready to go! 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Before the Wedding

 Celeborn is is all set for the wedding! 

 Getting flowers planted.

 The tent all set up before it was decorated.

 A beautiful pot of flowers! 

The lighting was not so good so I only got one picture of the beautiful flowers in front of the Blessed Mother.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Wedding prep

 Celeborn put the trim on the boys bathroom this weekend. 

 Marigold and Kili playing on the trampoline.

 Marry and Pippin helping finish some projects. 

 Mom working on more Wedding prep! 

Poppy helping!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Sunset and other things

 A beautiful sunset, pictures don't do it justice! 

 Elanor did a great job on the flower gardens! 

 Rosie working on a picture! 

 Marigold working on a drawing also. 

Kili reading a book. 

Eowyn reading a book also.

Happy Valentine's day